Sxyzm Games

Games By Sxyzm

Sxyzm Universe Series

A series of "Growing Games" for players to develop confidence in attempting complex rulesets of other advanced or modern games. Games within the series have multiple rulesets with variations in difficulty and two or more games in the series may be combined to make a larger more complex game. Advanced players may combine multiple games to explore mechanic combinations.

Sxyzm (“schism”) is a simple racing board game for 2-10 players that develops into a competitive interaction game with iterative gameplay. Game uses a "learn as you go" mechanic.

Ecwem (“Ek-wem”) is a collection and strategy card game with a 28 suit deck. The Ecwem deck allows users to play standard card games by division of suits per player.

Deodm (“Doh-dem”) is a dice game consisting of 600 dice where players try to collect D20s by upgrading their dice from their starting D4. Game allows simultaneous play.

Bopbm (“Bop-mm”) is a territory battle game where players place and battle with triangles to obtain control over their base hexagon tiles. Game can be taught in less than 15 min.

Stand Alone Games

A game developed based on a specific mechanic or theme. Some stand alone games may have expansions.

7 Little Rockets is a 2-12 player simple racing game where players must use and obtain rocket fuel to get to the other spaceports. Movement is determined by fuel costs (no cards, spinners or dice).

Janitors & Juveniles is a 2-10 player cat and mouse style game where the janitors track down some mess making juveniles and force them to be janitors.

SA0021 is a 2-10 player abstract strategy game with asymetric gameplay where players have to move pieces into a specific base. Players may draw gamebreaking abilities to assits their endevor.

Franchise Game Series

A series of games with the same theme or series of themes.

Print & Play Games

A game with a Print & Play version that may be downloaded from the website for use. Downloading a Print & Play game may be subject to certain terms and agreements.

Sxyzm: Cyclone is a small version of Sxyzm that focuses on a singular stacking mechanism. The game fits into a standard playing card tuck box.

Ecwem: Six is a small version of Ecwem with 36 cards in a reasonable six suits. The rulebook contains six games. The game fits into a standard playing card tuck box.

Bopbm: Squared is small version of Bopbm that focus on territory battle through the use of squares instead of triangles and hexagons.

To contact Sxyzm for more information about our games, email us at [email protected]